One person asked me if I felt I was on top of things as far as my work went. The picture to the left is my response. Having just been through many meetings for many commttiees and groups, plus it being Holy Week in the church, and this is what my desk looks like (truth be told, this is what it looked like a long time before Holy Week!). A recent Choir School meeting also meant a lot of preparation, which means looking through a whole lot of stuff... all this helps to hide my desk very well.
The Choir School Board had a great meeting on April 1st, and another is planned for mid-February. One important thing that got sorted out is who is applying to work as counsellors and CITs. A wonderful sign of health for the School is that lots of people want these positions; the only problem is that there are not enough positions for everyone who wants one! We are working on the hiring process now, and will be able to announce who is working at Choir School in the week after Easter. It is a difficult thing to look at a list of names, and try to decide frmon among them, when they are all qualified! Stay tuned; the saga continues....