For the past few years, every morning at 11:00am at Choir School, some choristers have taken part in a program called, for lack of a better term, "Christian Faith in Our Culture." Often, this consisted of looking at some kind of video, or listening to music that was currently on the popular charts, and discussing how these things affect us as Christian people. These times have generated some really great conversation, and I have really learned a lot myself from you during these times.
What I want to know is whether you chorsiters who took part in these sessions want more of this. Does this continue to help you in some way? Or, is there something else altogether that I'm missing that we could be doing here? This program, this hour each day during Choir School, is planned mostly in reaction to what I hear from you. So, now I'm asking, seriously. What would help you, or what would you be interested in doing during this time? Your answer will help me to decide what takes place during this time slot. Perhaps it will be mroe of the same, or something really new. Let me know what you feel!