Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Site Maintenance
Our Choir School site is currently unavailable, as we switch to a new service provider. Sorry for any confusion this might have caused! It will be back up and running in January.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
More Choir School T-Shirts

The famous Choir School T-Shirt has been an important part of Choir School for many years now. The current colour of the shirt is a closely-guarded secret each year, until Thursday arrived, when the T-shirt is revealed, to great exhilaration and joy to all who see it (OK, that might be pushing things just a bit). The point is this: THERE ARE MORE T-SHIRTS AVAILABLE!!! For the simple cost of shipping ($5), you could have one sent right to your door. Simply speak with FC (Father Chris), and one could be sent out. Contact him by email (, and send your address to him. There are limited quantities (mostly in the smaller sizes; for example, there are no adult large or extra-large remaining).
Sunday, July 18, 2010
What a Beautiful Bunch!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Chanting Choristers are up!!!
Monday, July 12, 2010

Now that most of Choir School is awake after a very busy, fantastic, yet tiring week, check out the updated site, which includes pictures from CS2010. Of course, there are hundreds of pictures being posted on Facebook this week, too! Thanks again to everyone for doing your part to make the last week really wonderful, and better than if you were not there. Enjoy the rest of the summer, everyone!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Saturday... Day 7... the Last Full Day!
What a great day... the rain finally came late in the evening, which broke though humidity; though, as we know now, it would not be for very long. A great day of rehearsals, games in the gym, and the great presentations banquet, where everyone dressed up for a grand supper of stuffed chicken breast and other delights (including a rather heavenly chocolate cake!). Sorry for the lack of picts; as I write this, junior choristers are packing, adult choristers are singing, and that means I should be doing one or the other, and am actually doing neither! Pictures will be up of Saturday and today (Sunday) in the next couple of days. Stay tuned!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
A "Pictorial" Kind of Day... Day 6

How much can a person pack into one day? Pretty soon, I believe Choir School will find out. Friday was another very full day for all of us, coming off the "high" of the Evensong service last night. Though Chapel attendance was a bit sparse for the kids, it was greatly enhanced by the arrival of the adult choir! 50 adult choristers now complete the Choir School experience, making our total size somewhere around 115 people. How often do you ever get to hear a big choir like that? Today was movie day; the kids gathered in the theatre and watched "Up," a great Pixar film. Before supper, however, was the grand Choir School photo shoot, which went very well (results are coming soon!) Also, tonight was the dance (with movie option), and a lot of kids, I am told, had a blast. Others made their way over to Quinn House to watch Peter Pan. Onward to Saturday!
Friday, July 09, 2010
Farming and Sussex.... Choir School Style, on Day 5

That's right, it was Farm Day today! We had moo-ing cows, farmer clothes, farmer hats, and even a larger-than-life basket of tomatoes (see pict)! After lunch and rehearsal, we set off this afternoon to beautiful Trinity Anglican Church in Sussex, to prepare for the Evensong service. What a time! A big thanks to all at the Church for feed the hungry hoard, and for having everything ready. The service itself was a wonderful time; in spite of the heat, well over a hundred people came out to take their part in this wonderful service, that is so rarely experienced today. The choir was amazing! It is always a good thing to get your best performance to date in when you most want it. With the adults now joining us (there are 50 of them!), things look to keep getting busier as the weekend approaches. Let's see what's in store for us all!
Thursday, July 08, 2010
Holding up in the Heat... Day 4!
Choir School may be an amazing place, but it was hot here at RNS just like everywhere else. That didn't stop us from putting in another very full, productive, fun, and unique day here. Today's theme was "Superheroes!", as one of the accompanying pictures would indicate. We were treated to various displays of Superhero bravery throughout the day, including the wrestling of a crocodile, which looked a whole lot like a counsellor. We also played Capture the Flag, where victory was snatched away in the final few minutes, resulting in yet another game without a clean winner (next year for sure). If that were not enough, it was also Variety Show night, where we were treated to some amazing displays of talent and creativity. From several skits, instrumental performances, highland dancing, to monologues, guitar tunes, and more, it was a great, full night. Sleep, and then on to Sussex tomorrow!
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
Day Three... the Dough-Boy incident
Yes, day three brought cloudy skies (a relief from the intense heat), but no end to the humidity. However, we found a new way to deal with it... games involving water guns and water balloons! Throw in baggies of flour, and you get... Dough Boy! This annual favourite was played this afternoon on the sports field, and featured... well... water guns, flour, balloons, and lots of running, screaming, wet, doughy children, who loved every minute of it! It was a great way to cool off, and the showers after the gam helped, too. Today also featured further rehearsals, some prep time for the Talent Show, and more. The kids had a great day, and went to bed very quickly, for everyone (staff included) was rather tired. Tomorrow's another busy day!
Monday, July 05, 2010
A VERY Full Monday

Our first full day ended just a few hours ago, with some very tired singers. It was a very warm day at RNS, where the heat tired a person out as much as the activities they were taking part in. Our big day included: 3 rehearsals, two juice breaks, 3 meals, 3 sessions (one of either Christian Education, Christian Culture, or Soundcraft, which making an instrument), some free time, and 1 rest period. Many of the staffers were ready for bed by 7:00pm. Today, we had a "pirate" theme (as you can see in the picture). One good night's sleep, and we'll be ready for tomorrow!
Sunday, July 04, 2010
Day One in the books!

It has been a busy first day for the 53rd edition of Choir School. as people arrived, caught up with friends, and saw what's new, we also welcomed eight new members of Choir School, who jumped in to things right away. With one of the residences unavailable (due to renovations), we are a much more tightly-packed group. Today saw us getting settled in rooms, voice testing (for those who need to know what part they sing), the first chapel service, and settling down for the first night. Look out Monday; here we come!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Confirmation of Thursday night
There seems to have been some confusion around the location of Choir School's Thursday Evensong service on July 8th. To put an end to such confusion, please take note that the July8th service is at Trinity Church, Sussex, beginning at 7:00pm. Adult choristers, take note!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
A Week to go...
This tim next week, the counselling staff of Coir School will have spent 6 hours there already, and be well along in their preparations to welcome everyone the next day. That means less than a week to go until things really get going! Hey - if you play a musical instrument, bring it along! There will be all kinds of chances to play in a group, or on your own, regardless of what it is you play (we may even have a bassoon!). Start getting excited (if you aren't already) - see you VERY soon!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Time is ticking...

Just two weeks left to go before Choir School begins for another year! For those junior choristers that are coming this year... think about the Variety Show... do you play an instrument, or have a special talent? If you need to bring something with you to use in the show, bring it along! Of course, there's always the chance to come up with something completely original with the people around you. Get your thinking caps - even if it is the last week of school! See you in 13 days!
Monday, June 14, 2010
People in place!

CS2010 is getting ever closer, and we have news... we have our staff for this summer all hired! Here is 2010's counselling staff:
Head Counsellors: Lauren Harrison and Lionel Hayter
Female Counsellors: Elizabeth Stockall, Becca Harrison, Melissa Webb, and Leah Duffett
Male Counsellors: Brent Harris, Matthew Snelgrove, and Nick Ogden
CITs: Isabelle VanBuskirk, Caitlin Hopper, and Brendan Taylor
Congrats to all of you... now the fun really begins!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Getting Ready...

There's a lot going on behind the scenes as CS2010 gets read to go (in just 40 days!!!!). Music has been picked, activities are being planned, and positions are being filled. We welcome Sharon Pond, an attender of Choir School herself, as our accompanist for the week. She'll be busy, as the music is very good this year. Haven't registered yet? You may have missed the deadline for early bird registration, but you can still come! Download the application from the website (, and get it in right away!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Hurry Up!!!

Time is ticking, folks! Get your application for Choir School in the mail by the end of the earlybird deadline (May 21st) to avoid the $25 late fee! Download the application form at the choir school website (, fill it out, and send it in. Remember that bursaries are available to those in need of some financial help. Get cracking!!!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
There's Not Much Time!!!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Adult Clinician Confirmed!

He's ba-a-ack! Choir School is pleased to announce that Willis Noble will once again resume the position of Adult Clinician this summer at Choir School. Plans right now are to look at "Song" by Bob Chilcott, and selections from Vivaldi's Magnificat. I hope many take advantage of a great opportunity this July!
Friday, April 09, 2010
Happy Easter everyone!

The Easter season is full of really great music in the church and beyond it, too!). A great time for choirs everywhere to shine! And what better way to shine brighter tan to hone your skills at Choir School (such a clever segue!). Get your registration form in and join us this summer! Go to and click on the registration tab. Tell your friends! Tell your neigbours! Tell your choir mates!
Friday, April 02, 2010
Registration Forms now available!
Friday, March 19, 2010
meeting tomorrow!
Here's a chance to have a say in things! The Planning Team for Choir School is meeting tomorrow morning at St. Augustine's Church in Quispamsis at 10:00am. Is there something you've been thinking about that you'd like to ask, or suggest to this group? Is there something you've been wondering for a long time, and want to learn an answer? Post in on this blog, or go to the website and email Chris about, and he will bring it up at the meeting. ACT FAST: there's not much time before the meeting!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Counsellors of the world... unite!
That's right - we're calling all people who want to be a counsellor of some sort this summer at Choir School! Whether you hope to be a head counsellor, counsellor, or Counsellor-In-Training (CIT), you NEED to fill out an application form, even if you have had one of these jobs before. How do you get said application form? Go to the website (see link on this page), and download a form. You can then either email it or snail mail it to Chris. He MUST have it by April 30th! On your marks... get set... go!!!!!!
Friday, March 05, 2010
New website for a new year
Yes, it has been FAR too long since things have been updated around here, but fret not... we'll finally caught up! Check out the website for the latest updates about Choir School, including application forms for counselling positions! Our deadline is April 30th for applications, so if anyone out there wants to work at CS this summer, get your application ASAP! Stay tuned for more info!
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