Thursday, October 11, 2007

Choir School has a CD!

It's been a busy fall already... I can't believe it's been a month since I last wrote here! As everyone knows, there has been a lot goig on this month, and here;s something rather neat you might like to know about...

Unknown to me at the time, the Final Evensong Service form this summer at the Cathedral was recorded! We have been given the recording (made by Charles Ferris, organist at St. Paul's, Rothesay), and are now offering copies of it for $10 each (shipping included), as a fund raiser for Choir School. If you want a copy, email me or Lynn Mills (

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Vacation come, vacation go... time to work!

September is here, and no one knows that better than peopel going to school, and perhaps their parents. I hope everyone had a great summer, and enjoyed themselves a lot. Choir School was a great year, and I am still enjoying memories of our wonderful week together in July (I NEVER eat with elbows on the table these days!). My family and I spent a lot of time together in August, including a trip to King's Landing, where we met another little fellow chowing down (see pict here). I very rarely have a camera with me a times like this.

The Choir School Board is meeting this Saturday (Sept. 8) to "close the books" on 2007, and to begin preparations for 2008. Please say a prayer for us, so that we get some good work done! Also, look for an update to the website within the next week... it's long overdue! Again, if anyone has picts of the Final Service at the Cathedral, please email them to me!!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Another week come and gone

It's Wednesday as I write this, and I think I'm awake enough to type coherently. The 50th week came and went, and like most others, it seemed to happen too fast for me. We said goodbye to John in many ways, we watched U2, we sang the "Tater Song," we worshipped in the chapel and in churches, we played dough boy, we danced, acted, and we sang. We sang glorious music, in wonderful settings, making music to the glory of God. We all grew closer, we shared many things with each other, and we left better people because of the friendships and experiences of the week. Our God is an awesome God!

A request: if anyone has pictures from Sunday, especially in Fredericton for the Final Service, could they email them to me? PLEASE?!?!?!?!? Thanks.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Big Friday

It ws a big day at Choir School on Friday, as the adult choristers began their first day of rehearsals, and more. Old friendshsips were re-kindled, and new ones began. We were ever so fortunate to have Gerald Wheeler, Choir School's first director of music, with us for this day. He is shown here receiving his medallion. Gerald spent some time with the kids, the adults, and also getting a sense of what Choir School is today. "The Spirit is very alive here," he said several times. I believe he is right.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Evensong @ Trinity

Choir School went on the road tonight, traveling to Trinity Church, in uptown Saint John. The choir sounded wonderful, and there was a huge congregation; w onderful setting for a service of Worship to our God. It is amazing to think that these children only learned this music 3 DAYS AGO, and here they are singing an entire service, start to finish, with four hymns and two anthems. There were many a proud person in the congregation, and rightly so; these kids are doing things that can only be called amazing. Proof of God's presence, love, and power in the world to create beautiful things was to be seen at Trinity tonight.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Another Busy Day!

Tuesday was another great day at Choir School. While the rain came again, it didn't stop anyone from having a great time, including a game of "Dough Boy." (imagine tag with bags of flour, water guns, and water balloons; I say no more!). The picure shows some of the kids gathering for "Christine Culture" class. Here we talked about what makes a hero, and who our heroes in our lives are. We all saw that there are heroes around us everywhere, and how true it is!

Monday, July 02, 2007

Monday is in the Books!

We've had a great first day of the week! Everyone has had a very full day, and is now getting ready for bed. This is the first time in over ten years that the kids learned enough music to sing much of it in the Monday evensong service. It shows what a great group we have! You can see some of them as they line up for lunch. We experienced some intense rain showers, but they were brief; the rain did not interupt any of the activities planned for today. The choristers have been at work getting ready for a Variety Show on Wed. We'll see what lies ahead!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Choir School is On!

Here we go! Choir School began tonight with over 60 children attending Evening Prayer, hearing about a great week, and getting to know each other. daily updates will be provided here. PARENTS!! Want to send a note to you kinds? email me ( and I will get it to them. Stay tuned! there will be lots of news!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

10 DAYS TO GO!!!!

I know there are some of you out there counting down to July 1st, the start of Choir School 2007. You are now in single digits... 10 days to go! FYI, there are almost 70 juniour choristers registered at this point, and over 60 adults. That's a BIG choir when you put them altogether. Want to say an early hello to someone? Say it here. Say hi to me!!!! I can't wait to see everyone again!

Saturday, June 02, 2007


Good morning! Life with a newborn is never predictable and schedules are never, ever, set in stone! That being said, many people are looking forward to the Evensong service happening at Saint James Lakewood Church in east Saint John tomorrow (Sunday, June 3rd) at 7:00pm. All Choir School members past and present are invited to come sing in the choir! If you'd like to do so, come to the church at 3:30pm for a rehearsal, supper, and then the service at 7:00pm. If you have one, bring your choir gown! There'll also be a reception after the service. Hope to see lots of people there!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

New Addition!!

There is a new addition to the Choir School family! I guess Dads get to gloat a bit, so here's my bit: our fourth child, Patrick Robert Hayes, was born this past Sat. (May 19) in Fredericton at 5:00pm. He weighed in at 7 lbs., 1 oz., and was 19.5 inches long. Mom is doing great, and we came home on Monday. Needless to say, there are a lot of thing to get ready for with Choir School, and there will be lots of news coming soon. Stay tuned! (BTW, Patrick will not be singing at this year's Choir School, but does plan to make a appearance!).

Friday, April 06, 2007

Happy Easter!

I sit at the computer here, wondering when the last time was that two church services were cancelled in Holy Week due to SNOW!!!! That's been the case this week for me here in Richmond. But it is still the time coming towards Easter, and so I send Happy Easter wishes to everyone at Choir School (I'd love to send you each one of those cool cards that play a little tune when you open them, but sorry... no time!). April also means that Choir School is getting closer, and it's been great to get some emails from many of you; keep them coming.

I hope you all have a most blessed Easter, a great break from school, work (if possible), and other things. With all teh talk about what Easter means, you've probably heard about new life, resurrection, forgiveness, etc. I see a lot of that at Choir School every year. We've all been made exactly the way God wants us, and I see many truly godly people at Choir School each year, and that one week of the year gives me more hope, excitment, and proof of God than almost anything else in the year. Thank you for being... you! Happy Easter!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Online Registration!

The title says it all. You can register online for Choir School 2007! Just go to the website ( or click on this site: Remember! The online registration is not complete until the $25 non-refundable deposit is receive in the mail by the Registrar.

This keeps getting easier and easier!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Choir School comes to Moncton!

Choir School hit St. George's Moncton (ouch!) for the next service of their Evensong services. What a turnout! The choir was the largest yet, with 52 people coming out. As youc an see in the pictures, lots of youth, and lots of adult voices together (we couldn't fit the men in... that's how big the choir was!). Lots renewed acquaintances, and lots of fun. Thanks you, Alora, for the songs we heard; Heather for running home to get a descant; thank you for Johnny Appleseed to everyone; Samantha for coming (I really did remember you! Honest!), and for the entire choir for making it a wonderful night.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A post?!? yeah, right!

OK, first of all, the fact that the last post on this blog was Nov. 29, 2006 is SAD. VERY SAD. My apologies to those who depend on this blog for meaning in their life (which would make THEM sad, too!).

The big news is that Choir School 2007 application forms are printed! But even better than that - this year we have ONLINE REGISTRATION!!!! You can register for Choir School online beginning later this week! Got o the wesbite,, to find out more. It has just been updated, too.

As some of you know, there have been special Evensong services taking place around the Diocese. So far, we've been to St. Stephen, Fredericton, and Rothesay. Later this month (March 18th), we'll be in Moncton. After that, Bathurst, Woodstock (yay!), and Saint John. The picture right here is of some of the choir at St. Paul's Rothesay, on Feb. 4th (there were 38 in the choir!). If you're around when Evensong comes to town, come sing in the choir!