Choir School hit St. George's Moncton (ouch!) for the next service of their Evensong services. What a turnout! The choir was the largest yet, with 52 people coming out. As youc an see in the pictures, lots of youth, and lots of adult voices together (we couldn't fit the men in... that's how big the choir was!). Lots renewed acquaintances, and lots of fun. Thanks you, Alora, for the songs we heard; Heather for running home to get a descant; thank you for Johnny Appleseed to everyone; Samantha for coming (I really did remember you! Honest!), and for the entire choir for making it a wonderful night.
Ahh, good. I'm glad you actually updated (at my behest). The service was indeed awesome! w00t!
We had a great time at the service in Moncton. It was fun to reunite with so many people from choir school in the past. We were so excited to finally receive our medallions. We are looking forward to this summer. Kandice Cann(Hicks) and Cori Nelson (Hicks)
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