Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Evensong Services Off and Running!

It's been a while (AGAIN!!) but some new things to share with you. Choir School has held 2 of its 7 planned 50th Anniversary CHoral Evensong Services. The firs took place at Christ Church (Parish) in Fredericton on Oct. 15th; 50+ people turned out for a wonderufl eveing, and about 20 in the Choir (that's the first picture). The next service was held Nov. 19th at Christ Church, St. Stephen, with about 80 people in the congregation (the second picture), and 20 in the choir, including the rector, Peter Mills, and his two children!

The next Evensong service comes on Feb. 4th, at St. Paul's in Rothesay. Check out the website ( for more details!

How is everyone doing? Any plans for Christmas?

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Yes... there's actually a new post!

Yes, I'm actually writing something here. Between vacation in August, and everything was waiting for me when I got back, not much time is left. Also, there's lot of music to listen to as well... for those of you who listen to Christian music, Building 429 has new a disc out called "Rise"; great if you're into crunchy guitar!

Choir School 50 is still months away, but the celebrations begin in October! The first of seven Choral Evensong services will be held at Christ Church (Parish) in Fredericton, on Oct. 15th at 7:00pm. Any former choristers who attended before medallions were available will get to recevie one at that service! Any current choristers in the area are of course welcomed to attend, and also sing in the choir, too (nudge, nudge; wink, wink). Another service will be held at Christ Church, St. Stephen, on Nov. 19th.

How is everyone's fall going? Post something to let us all know what's up!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

It's about... uhh... chocolate?

I was with a group of kids recently who were listening to some music. I recognized one of the songs they were listening to, and asked them what they thought it was about. Silence. No one said anything. They had all just told me how much they LOVED this song, yet none of them seemed to have any clue about what it was saying. I tried a few more times, telling them that everyone's opinion counted, that a song can mean different things to different people... nothing.

I really missed Choir School right at that moment. I missed our 11:00am Christian Culture classes, where so many of you said so much about what you were thinking and feeling. I don't believe you said so much just because you were stuck in a basement with nothing better to do (although there were some mighty FINE couches there!). I believe that many of you take your music very seriously, and listen to the songs you do BECAUSE they have meaning for you, as much as a good beat. I love hearing some of this from you. I loved seeing how much a song like "Concrete Angel" meant to you by how quickly you reacted to hearing it, and by how much you talked about it afterwards. That meant a lot to me.

I miss Choir School. Only 347 days to go.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

New stuff on the site!

After a long recovery that involved much sleep, much coffee, and even a bit of rest and quiet, I am once again alive after Choir School 2006. In fact, thhe website has just been updated, with all kinds of stuff from this year's edition of Choir School. Check it out: Maybe you'll see a pict of yourself (if you went, that is).

I'm anxious to hear what kind of time everyone else had. Respond to this post, to let me and everyone else know!

Friday, June 30, 2006

41 HOURS TO GO!!!!!!

I can't believe how clsoe it is to the start of Choir School on Sunday! There is so much to, and so little time; I made a list, but forgot to include a little thing called "packing." I guess I'd better change ths list, but that takes time, and I don't have time, and there is so much to do, and I don't want to forget anything, so I'd better make a list, and a note not to forget the list, and.... see you on Sunday!!! Pray for me and my list!

Monday, June 12, 2006

20 Days and Counting...

This past weekend, the Board held its final meeting before Choir School begins. Want to know what music you're singing? Wait 20 days. T-Shirt colour? Wait 20 days. What John will say when he arrives? 20 days. IT'S SO CLOSE! Some of the Board are smiling for the camera (I actually warned them I was taking the picture, for once). Remember to bring your stuff for the theme days, and also your finest outfits for the formal dinner. Check back here before you leave for Choir School; there may be some last minute thing to know!!

Monday, June 05, 2006

Get it in the mail!

I've been looking over the applications forms that have een received so far, and am thrilled to see all of the people who are coming, as well as looking forward to those whoa re coming for the first time (including my daughter, Laura! She's already told me I'm not allow to come into her room...). However, there are some people whoa re a bit slower, it seems, at finding their local mailbox. COUNSELLING STAFF... where are your forms?!?!? Just a reminder to you that staff as well have to submit a form, just so that we have your contact and medical information on file. And for all those who have yet to send in your app., do it now! The sooner you get it in, the sooner you can be assured of getting the roommate you may have requested. To the mailbox!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Uh, a Little Help?

For the past few years, every morning at 11:00am at Choir School, some choristers have taken part in a program called, for lack of a better term, "Christian Faith in Our Culture." Often, this consisted of looking at some kind of video, or listening to music that was currently on the popular charts, and discussing how these things affect us as Christian people. These times have generated some really great conversation, and I have really learned a lot myself from you during these times.

What I want to know is whether you chorsiters who took part in these sessions want more of this. Does this continue to help you in some way? Or, is there something else altogether that I'm missing that we could be doing here? This program, this hour each day during Choir School, is planned mostly in reaction to what I hear from you. So, now I'm asking, seriously. What would help you, or what would you be interested in doing during this time? Your answer will help me to decide what takes place during this time slot. Perhaps it will be mroe of the same, or something really new. Let me know what you feel!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The Gathering...

This wonderful church, St. Paul's in Sackville, NB was the site of the latest meeting of the Choir School, as they met to continue plans for this coming summer. John Hudson, our music director, presented a report on music to be sung this year (including Standford's Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in G). The whole outline of music looked great (I hear there is a hidden message within these great works of music that he put together; I call it "The Hudson Code"). Also, the Head Counsellors, Heather Harrison and Dani Gautreau, brought us all up-to-date on what they've been doing. The counselling staff have been set (see the STAFF page on the website), and other details are being finalized. We're only 7 weeks away!!!!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

New additions...

First off, let me say that I am TERRIBLE at posting regularly. However, now that so much is coming up so fast, I hope to be posting more regularly. The great news that I get to share with you is that we have most of our counselling staff in place now for Choir School 2006! All are very keen, and have great leadership skills already. More than that, they are all people who are looked up to by others at Choir School, and are dedicated to using their gifts of singing. Go to the website, which has just been updated ( to see the list, as it currently stands. Keep checking the site, there will be more updates coming along!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

There's a desk in there?

One person asked me if I felt I was on top of things as far as my work went. The picture to the left is my response. Having just been through many meetings for many commttiees and groups, plus it being Holy Week in the church, and this is what my desk looks like (truth be told, this is what it looked like a long time before Holy Week!). A recent Choir School meeting also meant a lot of preparation, which means looking through a whole lot of stuff... all this helps to hide my desk very well.

The Choir School Board had a great meeting on April 1st, and another is planned for mid-February. One important thing that got sorted out is who is applying to work as counsellors and CITs. A wonderful sign of health for the School is that lots of people want these positions; the only problem is that there are not enough positions for everyone who wants one! We are working on the hiring process now, and will be able to announce who is working at Choir School in the week after Easter. It is a difficult thing to look at a list of names, and try to decide frmon among them, when they are all qualified! Stay tuned; the saga continues....

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Gearing Up...

Things are starting to get into gear as we prepare for Choir School 2006. For those of you who have been here before, brochures are being mailed to your hosue this week. A few people have emailed me from the website, asking for copies. I'm getting EXCITED!! Our upcoming meeting of the Board on April 1st is going to really get things going. We're looking forward to being at Saint James Lakewood, in east Saint John (my home church!).

I've made a few small changes to the blog, one that enables other to comment (oops... didn't even know I had to turn that on!). Sorry about that. Let me know what you think of everything!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

It's back...

Choir School's first attempt at a blog was... err... short-lived, at best. Now, we can call this Round 2; I hope it serves the purpose! The staff is hard at work getting ready for the coming year. Staff are being hired, music is being selected, and other things are taking palce as we speak. What is everyone else up to? Tell us all here!
- Chris+