Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Time is running out to vote for your favourite T-shirt colour for this year! Also, if anyone is really out there, how about a suggestion for the next idea or suggestion to vote on? Hello? ... hello...?

Friday, May 09, 2008

And now, for something completely different.

After a few glitches with the hosting service, the new;y updated Choir School website is finally up and running! go to the site to se newly placed picts from last year, download an application form, and much more! If you have an idea for something that should be on the site, let me know, and perhaps it will show up there sometime. Have fun!

Wednesday, May 07, 2008


There is a new feature on this blog, a question for which you can cast your vote. Right now, it is for the colour of this year's T-Shirt at Choir School. While the outcome may not necessarily dictate what colour is provided, it does give the Board something to go on. Vote now, while there's still time!

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Resurrection... of sorts

It has been far, far, far, far, far too long since the last posting. I guess that's what I (and you) get when a clergyperson looks after something like a blog: regular postings are sometimes few and far (and I mean FAR) between. However, all is not lost. This is my quick way of announcing that a new, overhauled web site for Choir School will be up and running by the end of tomorrow (Wed., May 7th)!!! It will have all the up-to-date information regarding Choir School 2008, as we know it at this time. Many young folks have applied for staff positions, and interviews will be held in the next 2 weeks. There is information on applications, contacts, and plans for this year. Also, see the pict from our recent Choral Evensong service at St. Luke's, in Saint John, from APril 20th. A wonderful evening indeed!