Sunday, April 19, 2009


For those of you looking to work at Choir School as counselling staff, time is running short! An application form must be filled out this year (yes, it's something new), and returned to me (Chris). Go to the website to get the form, and get it sent by Apr. 24th, the deadline!

Thursday, April 02, 2009

It's Back...

After far too much time between updates, finally, there is a post! The news today is that the Choir School website has been completely revamped! New design, new pages, new information. For those who are hoping to be a Counsellor or CIT, there is something new that has finally been put into place - an application form. Just like any other camp, prospective counsellors must fill out an application, even if you've worked at Choir School before. Get on it - the deadline is April 24th!