Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Day Three... the Dough-Boy incident

Yes, day three brought cloudy skies (a relief from the intense heat), but no end to the humidity. However, we found a new way to deal with it... games involving water guns and water balloons! Throw in baggies of flour, and you get... Dough Boy! This annual favourite was played this afternoon on the sports field, and featured... well... water guns, flour, balloons, and lots of running, screaming, wet, doughy children, who loved every minute of it! It was a great way to cool off, and the showers after the gam helped, too. Today also featured further rehearsals, some prep time for the Talent Show, and more. The kids had a great day, and went to bed very quickly, for everyone (staff included) was rather tired. Tomorrow's another busy day!

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